About Us

The Rising Glory

Path of Knowledge & Seek


The Rising Glory, path of knowledge & seek (TRG) is working for the welfare and development of children, youth (non-educated, educated) and women as non-profitable, non-governmental, non-religious and non-political organization since 2014 in the various areas of Pakistan. TRG is taking practical steps to contribute in achieving Millennium Development Goals. TRG believes in collaborative work with Local Communities, Volunteers, Local CBOs, Local Philanthropies, National & International NGOs and Donors for sustainable solutions of the issues pertaining in society.


Intellectual, peaceful, prosperous and progressive organization with respect to youth and impractical professionals for all, without discrimination.


To become largest organization of people to aware the basic fundamentals of running Ngo’s and institutions where people can’t get practical awareness of works and to enhance their abilities regarding business terminologies on the basis of international laws and regulations.


Improve The Rising Glory accessibility & presence at all level with collaboration of other partner NGO's Contribute build up stability in the country where all people can have access to education & employment. Arrange for free lectures for child & adult labor working at work shops, that could help them to become economically independent. Establish library and reading rooms in needy communities. Impart job oriented trainings and lectures for professional students to enhance their working skills before entering into professional gates. Provide technical knowledge and basic accounting software to the students in such a way to make sure to give knowledgeable professionals to the market. Hold conferences and meetings to aware the small organizations to keep financial records in professional and technical manner. Practically demonstrate in front of NGO’s, working at ground level to aware about accounts, audit & tax rules applicable in Pakistan. Provide free legal advice to poor people. Raise funds through collection, donation or subscription and other means and invest money in such manner as shall promote the attainment of aims & objectives of The Rising Glory